Sangha Nights January 2023

Pathways to Awakening


Wednesdays in 2023, 7pm to 9pm. 

Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar. Pathmaker, there is no path, the path is made by walking. (Antonio Machado)

There are as many paths to awakening as there are beings - it's up to us to start walking and let each step reveal itself, until, as some would say, we discover we were already where we wanted to be. Luckily the Buddha gave countless clear instructions to guide us. This year we'll look at some of them together. 

In January we'll begin our exploration with a series on the Anapanasati Sutta, the Buddha's meditation instructions, directing us to discover the nature of reality through gentle attention to our experience. 

Jan 4: Mokshasi will introduce the Sutta

Jan 11: Shunyamala will share her reflections on the second set of verses - feeling/vedana.  There will also be a Mitra Ceremony for Molly and Dylan - marking their personal commitment to practice. 

Jan 18: Prasadachitta will continue with the Heart-Mind/Citta set of verses.

Jan 25: Mokshasi will lead the last night of the series on Wisdom

Here is a link to a series of talks on this Sutta given by Viveka in 2003, still well worth a listen. And here is the Sutta from that same retreat.


We do not currently require registration for our Sangha Night Classes, but please make sure you can agree to our safety requirements listed here if you plan to attend in person.  

For online attendance please join through the link below a few minutes before 7pm.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 849 2354 2148. Passcode: Sangha

Donations: Please consider making a donation or joining our Dana program to help support our teaching. More information on this page

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