Sangha Nights in June

Wisdom in Action

Wednesdays 7pm to 9pm

June is Buddhist Action Month. Continuing our 2023 Pathways to Awakening theme we will look at ways that Buddhist wisdom can prepare and guide us to take action on issues that are important to us, while staying true to our values and intentions. Through cultivating wise compassion towards ourselves and others, and increasing our awareness of the impact of our actions, perhaps we can participate more fully in the world, becoming more resilient, without losing sensitivity and responsiveness. 

With Prasadachitta, Shunyamala, and friends

Please make sure you can agree to our safety requirements listed here if you plan to attend in person.  

Register for online attendance and to receive updates (no registration required for in person attendance):

We suggest donations of $10 to $5 for Sangha Nights, but they are always optional and any amount is welcome and helps cover our costs. Enter the amount you wish to donate in the box below, and if you don't wish to donate or prefer to pay another way, you can enter 0, but if you do this please make sure to click 'pay later' on the payment page, otherwise the registration won't work. Drop us an email if you have any difficulty.

It may take up to a day or two to receive the zoom link - thank you for your patience.

Please add to your address book so we can keep you up-to-date with any changes.*  

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